About Baby Cribs

Reference Article: Colors For Baby Rooms

About Baby Cribs


Baby cribs
are utilised for babies to sleep in until they are able to sleep in a toddler or single bed. Many new parents decorate the baby crib with quilts, mobiles and bumper pads to match the nursery décor. When a baby

Furnishing a nursery bedding

is first born, he quite often sleeps in a bassinet or cradle in his parents room. However, many babies sleep in their cribs as soon as they are born.


When deciding on a crib, you can either purchase a traditional crib or a convertible crib. A convertible crib is a great deal more pricey, but converts into a toddler bed when the child outgrows the crib. Some cribs even convert into single or full size beds. Drop sides are a useful feature in a crib because they allow the parent to lower the sides to lift the baby out of the crib. If the crib has wheels it is easier to move when vacuuming or rearranging the room. Another feature to look for is a crib with adjustable mattress height. When your baby starts standing up, you will need to lower the crib mattress so that they cannot climb out of the crib.


Safety is the most important consideration when picking a crib. If you purchase a new crib, the crib is required to meet current safety regulations. If you borrow a second hand crib or antique crib, you need to verify that the crib is safe for your baby. Verify that the crib does not have any missing slats and that there is no more than 2 3/8 inches among the crib slats. The crib should certainly not have any cutouts within the headboard or footboard that the baby’s head could get stuck in. Make sure that any corner posts on the crib are lower than 1/16 inch.


Because the cost of cribs can vary widely in between models, set your spending budget before you begin shopping. You can find a large selection of cribs at baby specialty stores and discount stores. Local baby boutiques and online websites generally sell designer cribs. If you are on a spending budget, watch sales at discount stores and baby specialty stores. If you are borrowing or purchasing a second hand crib, carefully inspect the crib to make sure it truly is sturdy and safe. Go to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission website (See Resources) to verify that the crib has not been recalled.


After you have purchased the cribAbout Baby Cribs, it truly is important to keep your baby safe in it whereas sleeping. Make sure that the crib is not near any window treatments such as curtains or window blinds. To reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), do not put heavy blankets or stuffed animals in the crib along with your baby until they are over a year old. Once your baby starts standing up inside the crib, be sure to lower the mattress heightAbout Baby Cribs, remove any mobiles hanging over the crib and remove any bumper pads.

About Baby Cribs

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